Adrian Munsey


Adrian Munsey
Adrian’s first book was the FT Guide to the Top 100 English Companies.

His second book, Images of Nature, a collection of poetry, philosophy and stunning photography was published in 2014.


images of nature

Through Adrian’s words and landscape photography, Images of Nature explores and illustrates man’s changing attitudes to nature and the natural world, from prehistoric times to the present day, and features sections on the prehistoric, Celtic, medieval, pastoral, romantic and modern eras of British history as well as the development of the landscape garden. Extracts from poetry and philosophy combine with memorable landscape images in this evocative account of the impact of nature on mankind down the ages.

Available on Amazon.


Images of Nature
“Adrian Munsey’s camera and his deft selection of accompanying words combine to show just why this country is so stunningly unique and beautiful.”
Stewart Till CBE, formerly Chairman of the UK Film Council and CEO, United International Pictures


A selection of the photographs from this book will be available to purchase as limited edition prints.

Discover more ––>

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